Saturday, January 21, 2012

Reflections on ABCD Method of Objectives

Hello everyone,

Towards the end of this week, I still have some more ideas to share with you. Do you like to read some more reflections on the ABCD method of writing objectives?

To achieve success in any task, I believe that it has to be well-planned. After 14 years of teaching, I still dedicate some of my time to lesson planning regardless of my knowledge of the content. Every year I meet new students that differ in learning styles; therefore, to be successful with my teaching, I prepare very well and decide upon the objectives. 

I'm more familiar with the condition-behavior-criteria method of objective. Although it's similar to the ABCD method of learning objectives, it's more accurate especially when it comes to the degree of mastery. It helps specifically describe to what extent the behavior must be performed. The examples submitted in the readings that the course attached are very helpful. To write my objective, I followed these examples and easily finished the task. 

In a final response, I felt frustrated and annoyed because I didn't share in the discussions from the very beginning. However, I learned that "never postpone today's work for tomorrow." 

Have a nice time. 

Nihmat, Lebanon  


  1. Hello Nihmat,

    Happy to read your nice words about ABCD learning objectives and planning in general! Planning is the source of teaching so every teacher, syllabus designer and educator should carefully planned their work! Thank you!


  2. Hello Salam ,
    I do appreciate that you share me your impressions and viewpoints on my blog.
    Although I'm pressed for time, I'll do my best to respond to your comments which I find valuable.
    nihmat, Lebanon
