Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 7: Reflections on Autonomy

Hello Jodi, Sherie and all friends, 

Despite the fact that I decided to discuss using one-computer in class due to my familiarity with the topic, I'd like to reflect on the importance of creating self-autonomy of the learners. 

The topic captured my eyes, but I didn't have enough time to read thoroughly  about it to be engaged in a profound discussion on it. However, I'd like to share you my reflections here on my blog post. 

First of all, it is very important that we help to create highly independent learners, but I think our more challenging task as teachers of the 21st century is to enhance motivation for a better proficiency of the English language. I liked how Candy, 1991 defined autonomy as 'self-direction' since it is meaningful to me. Involving the students in situations that might test their ability to direct themselves is the major objective of learning. If we enhance autonomy, our students are able to choose their majors in the university independently without any hesitance or support of parents or teachers.They are aware of the capabilities and thus they successfully proceed towards them to achieve their goals.

Despite the fact that researches have failed to reach a consensus according to Dimitrios Thanasoulas, they definitely agree on the role of teachers to gradually build their autonomy through daily autonomous tasks until they become independent.

I think the topic is interesting, so in a coming post, I’ll try to add some reflections on it.

I apologize for being garrulous this time. 
Have an enjoyable week and good luck on your projects.



  1. Hello Nihmat,

    Thank you for your bright ideas you raise in this article. I am with the idea that teachers should encourage and help students to learn and achieve their goals. The teachers should find the suitable ways to make students accept the idea of learning. This will help both students and teachers. A teacher sometimes has to play the role of a psychologist in order to know more about his students.

    Thank you


    1. Hi Salam,
      It's nice hearing from you frequently on the blog.
      It seems we all realized how important it is to enhance autonomy among our students. Yes, the teacher's task is very demanding as you just said since finding the appropriate ways to "deliver" the information, creating interaction in class and contributing to the resolution of the students'problems. See, Salam, we have lots of work to do.
      I loved this discussion.
      Wishing you the best of luck on your project.

  2. Hi Nihmat,

    I plan to review on autonomy too since I participated in the one computer / classroom discussion.
    Besides on what you have mentioned about autonomy learning,IMHO I would add that the concept of autonomy learning and its relationship with lessons is that students must be able to monitor and apply self directed learning by understanding the learning objectives and activities, how it is done pedagogically as by understanding these key elements they can perform the role as an autonomous learner.


    1. Hi Nur,
      I'm glad to hear from you via the blog, Nur.
      You'e definitely right about adding this point. When the learners identify the objectives, they'll become fully aware of the meaning of learning. They'll never ask us again:" Miss, why do I have to read a this story?" along with too many other questions of this kind.
      Sharing with another discussion here seems wonderful to me. I become more interactive!
      Wishing you the best of luck on your project.

    2. Dear Nihmat.I think you are right highlighting the motivation factor for a better proficiency,and learning as a whole.Another important factor is directing the students existing abilities towards learning the language.Some of our students has advanced potentials and creativity,but it is the teacher role to awaken these sleeping elements to the best of his/her students.Engaging students in the process of learning would definitely contribute to the success of classes and achieving the set goals.

    3. Hi Hind,
      You have to pardon me for my late reply. I was busy finishing some readings and tasks that seem to be very challenging this week.
      I appreciate summing up the articles i read about autonomy.
      Have a very nice week and good luck on your tasks.
